Processing Kits
Quick start processing kits for all abilities...
Here we list some of the best kit offerings from manufacturers, ideal to get you started quickly and with quality products.
The Paterson kits are an ideal combination with the Tetenal chemistry kits, giving you a complete solution.
To finish off you can look at our enlargers, new and used, plus a film changing bag
Film & Print Processing Kit
Paterson Film + Print Kit Contains all the main essential equipment for processing both film...
Paterson Film Processing Kit
Paterson Film Processing Kit The Paterson Film processing kit offers the equipment required...
Tetenal Film Chemistry Kit 1
Nova Tetenal Film Processing Chemicals Kit The Nova Tetenal Film Processing Chemicals kit is...
Tetenal Paper Chemistry Kit 1
Nova Tetenal Black and White Paper Chemical Starter Kit This Tetenal B&W Paper Chemistry...